It’s Not Rocket Science…
It’s Carpet Cleaning!
Discover How You Can Save Money With This Simple Formula…
Hello friends and clients. It’s Shambaugh Cleaning & Restoration, your favorite carpet cleaner here. Have you noticed people seem to get busier and busier from now until the fall? Yep, I kinda noticed too. This “busy season” seems to kick off now and goes through the summer.
Now maybe you are preparing to go off on vacation this summer. Or, maybe you are sending off young ones to college for the first time later this year. Or, maybe you don’t have any kids right now and you’re just breathing easy and enjoying the change of seasons. Whatever your circumstances are right now I bet you want to save money. So I have something for you…
A Simple Formula….
My simple formula starts with this: clean your carpets and clean them correctly and often. (Especially if you plan on keeping your carpets for a while.) Before the “new economy” people were skimping on proper maintenance and changing out their carpets every couple years.
These days my clients want to keep their carpets longer. This means professional cleanings at least 1X per year. (Sometimes more depending on the amount of people, pets and foot traffic in the home.) Just call me at 419-529-6422 and I will be happy to discuss your situation. Together we can figure out the best, most affordable cleaning schedule to extend the life of your carpet. That way you can continue to save for your kids’ college or a trip to Tahiti instead of for new carpet.
And please remember one more simple carpet cleaning lesson: traffic lanes and soiling can become permanent. Without getting too technical and “boring” on you, (after all it’s not rocket science) dry soils can “scratch” the carpet fibers and make them appear dingy forever. Much like you can scratch glass with sand and it appears cloudy. Also, the soils can break down and fray the individual fibers. Of course, we will come work our carpet cleaning “magic” on the areas and do our best to brighten them. But your carpet stands a much better chance of lasting if you remember to clean before your carpet looks dirty. Then you know those carpet fibers are staying supple and clean and not being broken down into darkened (sometimes irreversible) traffic lanes. Now those lessons will save you big money in the long run, but how about saving some money right now?
Save Money Today
Savings #1: Get your whole house cleaned (5 areas or more) and you Save 15% OFF
Savings #2: Get your main living spaces (3 areas or more) cleaned and you Save 10% OFF
Savings #3: Re-apply your carpet protection and you Save $20.00 Off
Call Shambaugh Cleaning & Restoration at
419-529-6422 before April 30, 2019 to SAVE!
Not valid with other offers. Minimum Charge Applies!